Lessons 8-9: Jupiter and Saturn

Lesson 8: Jupiter: Paper Collaging 

-Liquid Glue
-Construction Paper in shades of brown, red, yellow, and orange

Directions for Children
  • Rip stripes of yellow, orange, and red construction paper. Make sure to rip a red one for the Big Red Spot on Jupiter!
  • Glue the strips down until all the white paper is covered. 
  • Trim around the edges again to create the round shape of the planet.
Lesson 9: Saturn: Water and Oil Painting

-Cooking Oil
-Liquid WaterColors of your choosing
-Optional: Gold Glitter

To Prep: Mix your watercolors in water in separate containers.Place the planet on a tray as this project can be quite messy.

Directions for Children
  • Use a pipette to drop some of the water color on the paper.
  • Use a fresh pipette to drip some oil onto the paper. 
  • Keep returning to the art project to watch how it changes as it dries. 
  • Optional: When it is completely dry you can add some glue to the rings and sprinkle on gold glitter for added sparkle. 
Discussion Guide: What do you notice about the oil and water? Do they ever mix together? Why do you think they can’t mix together?
