Space Unit Midway Reflection
Space Unit Check-in and Reflection
Self-Care Check-in:
What area of self-care did you choose to focus on during this time?
Reflect on what went well.
Reflect on what got in the way.
Reflect on what you could change to better meet this need going forward.
Write down what you are grateful for in your self-care routine at this time.
Unit Check-in:
What was your child’s favorite part of this unit so far? Get specific about what they enjoyed.
What was their least favorite part of this unit so far? Get specific about why they disliked.
What was the most challenging part for them? How did they react to experiencing challenges?
How does it feel for you when your child is working through difficulty? How do you react in these moments?
What part was the most interesting to them? Be mindful of what sparks their interest to help you tailor future lessons to their learning style.
Selfie Check-In
How many of the curiosities your child had from the first lesson have been answered?
How can you visibly document the answers in your learning space to show what has been learned?
Do you need to delve deeper to get more answers?
If all the questions have been answered feel free to see if they have new curiosities now.
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